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Monthly Archives: June 2012

Yak Avoidance Techniques

Posted from York, England, United Kingdom.I’ve just spent the last two Sundays near Thirsk brushing up my (pretty poor) off road skills with those friendly guys at the i2i Motorcycle Academy.  They provided me with all the kit and a lovely KTM to ride.  I have to say I had two great days and learned loads about … Continue reading »

Categories: The Planning, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

A Jabbering Wreck

Posted from Shirley, England, United Kingdom.Suffering in the cause (read: the possibility of having to trot off to find a doctor in some remote area of Kazakhstan because I’m frothing at the mouth has little appeal), I’ve had a few more vaccinations and boosters today.  So far I’ve had:- Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Typhoid Polio … Continue reading »

Categories: The Planning, Uncategorized | 2 Comments